Spot The Difference: Architecture vs Design

In the Spot The Difference series I take the concepts from Technology, Architecture and Design which are generally used interchangeably but have different meanings. This blog explains how Architecture generally differs from Design.

Architecture and Design are two terms that are often confused with each other and the the boundaries between them is generally very hazy. So let's try to clear the confusion.

  • Architecture face outwards and takes care of Purpose, Motivation, Strategy and Structure.
  • Design has an inward facing view of things. It concerns with actual implementation as directed by the Architecture.
  • Architecture proceeds in a slow moving arch and cuts across almost all dimensions of the Enterprise. -Design is fast, tactical and focused on a particular aspect like Web or Data Design.
  • Design talk in concrete terms while Architecture is usually abstract.
  • Architecture is Subjective while Design is very Objective and leaves no guess work.

  • Architecture is like doing the Structural Design of a house, deciding on plumbing, wiring etc.

  • Design would be like color of paints, curtains and furniture settings.

  • Architectures are long lasting and it is very expensive to redo it while design is meant to tactical to take care of fast changing requirements.

  • Architecture roles are generally senior roles because wider and longer experience is needed to understand and address cross-cutting concerns.

  • Design roles, being technology or domain focused, need good experienced in that particular area and generally fulfilled by people early in there career. As their experience grows, designers usually move into Architecture positions.

As you can see that it is not the terminology but the intent what separates Architecture from Design. In a sense Architecture itself is about Strategic Design. In an Agile environment both Architecture and Design feed each other.